When you are old or out of prison and don't know "internet"

Learning new websites. You know I never figured out reddit, come on is that not confusing to you? I haven't figured out Blogger but I guess I have to right? This is where I want to share. I feel like my parents on facebook. You know the old people or the people that have been in prison long before facebook? Those people that make a new account all the time because they don't know the internet, they do not know how to retrieve a password. You know , come on you know one of "those". My dad took  to the internet pretty well.... (when he started using emojis it was unsettling) also he didn't know that his friends could see things he liked. My daughters told me. " I  can't be friends with papa it freaks me out " Yes my dad is the dirty old pervert. He presses LIKE on all the girls bent over in bikinis, if you can even call them that . My mom.....She is slowly not learning facebook. She does this thing, you know what it is. She makes a group chat not knowingly, post things I rather not know and the peers of hers that are "facebook trained" have to tell her "you know you are in a group  chat" Oh wait he says "party line" so 90s either way I don't think she knows what that means but I'm troubled for life for this conversation. Don't be J? That brings up some memories, cringe memories... like when she got out of jail and we had a weekend at my grandmothers lake house just us... she made me listen to R-Kelley and she danced drunk and told me "Don't be J" it is a phrase that haunts me.....I do have to say I love my mom's new phrase for special friends "Soul-friends friend" Come on, that is great! Or "oowee...companion" I do have to say I am surprised she knew what BFF was. This is all funny to me (but on a serious note... well I will  talk about my mom's personal shit later, I did mention prison right?) Her "soul-Friends-friends" is new to internet too, I'm not sure I want to get into that. He started FB strong adding everyone including "people you might know".... which he didn't know at all which insured this following conversation.
